Kwanti’s Model Marketplace Adds State Street to Improve Advisor Outcomes
14 February 2022

As an RIA, you know all too well that your business relies on your ability to deliver top-quality advice to your clients. Better advice leads to better outcomes and better outcomes lead to more business.

But as business demands grow, it can be difficult to scale your top-quality services without diminishing the quality of your offering. In other words, you are expected to continue providing excellent advice at a grander scale without sacrificing positive results.

How can this be achieved? By identifying which internal processes can be handed over to a third-party provider. For many RIAs, investment management has jumped to the top of the list.

Investment selection is critical to helping clients see favorable outcomes, so it must be high priority, which is why Kwanti only integrates with the highest performing providers available.

With these considerations in mind, we have added State Street to Kwanti’s Model Marketplace. This addition will help advisors make the best investment recommendations when time matters most and ultimately improve client outcomes.

Propose New Strategies Faster

Kwanti Model Marketplace makes it easy for advisors to discover and subscribe to new investment strategies and implement them immediately in their processes.

No more spending hours putting together a model portfolio for a prospect. You can now present a proposed plan in record time, ensuring your prospect doesn’t lose interest in the interim.

But these model portfolios aren’t just beneficial for prospecting. They also help streamline operations with current clients. The hours you used to dedicate to investment selection can now be re-allocated to the areas of the business that need you most—whether that be in business generation, strategic planning, or handling client-facing activities.

Whether you’re updating a plan for a current client or working to close a new client relationship, State Street models provide a quick and easy way to present potential outcomes.

Find the Best Fit in Less Time

Kwanti’s integration with State Street will bring 24 new models to the marketplace which advisors can add to their portfolio list. No matter the risk profile, there are multiple viable options from which to choose. Whether you are looking for a conservative, tax sensitive option for a pre-retiree or an aggressive, active asset allocation for a budding entrepreneur, there is no shortage of options to find what fits your needs.

After browsing through the models from BlackRock, Fidelity Institutional, Wilshire, WisdomTree, and State Street, advisors can add models to their portfolio list with the click of a button. Removing them from the list is just as simple, so changes can be made instantaneously.

Kwanti’s Model Marketplace gives advisors instant access to the highest performing portfolios at all risk ranges at a moment’s notice. Plus, models are updated automatically when State Street changes them, so you won’t ever have to worry about presenting days-old data. Models will always reflect the most up-to-date information.

Improve Client Outcomes

Each State Street ETF Model Portfolio is designed, built and managed by the Investment Solutions Group (ISG), the same team that manages money for central banks, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, endowments and other large institutions, so advisors feel confident they are presenting the highest quality options to their clients and prospects alike. Advisors trust these models will yield the results advertised and support the financial plans they have crafted with their clients.

Why leave investment selection up to chance or human error when you can rely on the highest performing models available to help your clients reach their goals?

How to Use State Street Models

Current Kwanti users will see State Street options automatically populate the Model Marketplace. In the Kwanti application starting screen, click Import->Model portfolios -> Show all. To use a model, select it by clicking on the left-most column in the grid, as shown below.

The model will be added to your portfolio list. To remove a model from your portfolio list, use the same column and click on the mark.

Upcoming Webinar

As part of our ongoing Webinar Series, on Tuesday March 1st at 4:30pm EST we are holding a webinar to go over the Model Marketplace in detail. Join us by registering here.

If you’re not a Kwanti user, click here to start a free trial and see how all of our integrations can give you the efficiency you need to keep your firm growing.

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