Available to all subscribers at no extra cost
Kwanti has always been powerful when it comes to deep analytics of your portfolios and models. We are constantly looking for ways we can add more useful tools for you. Introducing the Screener.
Hundreds of thousands of securities and their data points meet Kwanti’s intuitive, user-friendly interface.
You now have the ability to search ETF’s, Mutual Funds, SMA’s and individual Stocks and narrow it down based on specific criteria of your choosing. With just a few clicks, view a filtered down list of the best performing assets.
The Screener will assist you in finding the right investment opportunities for your clients and save you time in the process.
Discover best performing assets
First, select your criteria. Once you select the asset type you are screening for, additional criteria becomes available on the left hand side of the screen. As you select new criteria, the results in the table will automatically refresh.
Customize the columns you wish to view in the results table and choose to filter the results based on any one them.
Search for similar assets
Let Kwanti do the leg work for you by searching for similar assets. Search for any asset and Kwanti will filter down a list of similar assets for you to review.
Save searches for future uses. Saved Searches will remember all of your pre selected criteria, column selections and sorting preferences.
Export results
Once you have filtered down your results, you can take your analysis one step further by comparing up to 4 assets in the Asset Profile.
You can also export your list of results to an excel spreadsheet for additional analysis outside of Kwanti.
View more details in our documentation.
We held a webinar for users to learn more about the Screener which you can view a replay of here.